Whether it's learning how to protect your pelvic floor during your birth or healing your pelvic floor postpartum, an in-person physical therapy evaluation can be EXTREMELY helpful. Here's how to get started:
Too far away to schedule an in-person physical therapy evaluation? Great news, we offer virtual physical therapy consultations. Although in person conversations and hands on assessment and treatment are ideal, sometimes that isn’t feasible. In that situation, we’re still happy to offer strategies and education to make motherhood the exciting and joyful experience that it’s meant to be! Here's how to schedule a virtual physical therapy video consultation.
Looking for a way to access physical therapy without committing to an appointment? We also have flexible, self-paced programs for pregnant and postpartum mamas. See how to get started with an online personalized home exercise programs or get empowered through our new postpartum PDF guide.
Nourished Mama's Guide to Postpartum
1 Month Personalized Postpartum Support Program

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