
Uncovering the secrets to a fulfilling sex life!

Workshop Date: Monday, February 19 from 8-10pm EST

Registration Deadline: February 18 

Investment: $49

Workshop Description: 

This 2 hour workshop + BONUS 30 Minute Q&A will uncover the secrets to overcoming common challenges that couples face in their post-kids sex life. 


We know that

+physcial pain

+body image

+lack of connection with your partner

+stress & overwhelm

+no or low libido (sexual desire)

+birth and sexual trauma 

can make intimacy extremely challenging. 

BUT experiencing these things doesn't mean you're CRAZY, ALONE, or required to CALL IT QUITS on your sex-life now that you have kids. 

Join us as we share exactly how to get your SEXY BACK as a parent!

*This workshop will be recorded and sent to you after the live workshop. 

**Note that workshop time is 8pm Eastern Standard Time

Your Instructors:

picture of Dr. Nicole pelvic floor physical therapist

Dr. Nicole Bringer, DPT - Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist and founder of Mamas & Misses Physical Therapy

Sarah Hunt, LMSW

Sarah Hunt, LMSW - Mental Health & Sex Therapist and founder of You Bloom Therapy

If you find yourself wondering

  • Why is sex after kids so hard?
  • What's normal?
  • Am I normal?
  • Is it ever too late to reconnect sexually?
  • Where do we start?

this workshop is for you!

Workshop FAQs

Is this an interactive workshop? Will we have to talk or have our camera on?

This workshop will have interactive components (polls, activities for you and your partner, and prompts for your own reflection, but you do not have to participate in anything you don't want to! You will not be required to talk or have your cameras on. 


How can we get the most out of this workshop?

We encourage you and your partner to join the workshop together from the same computer or phone, have water or another beverage of choice handy, and each of you to have a notebook and something to write with.


What if my partner can't join me? Can I attend this workshop by myself?

Definitely! While couples will get the most out of this workshop when joining together, you will still get all of the great info and tips that you can share with your partner when you are able to be back together.  You can also share the recording with them.


What if something comes up and I can't make the live workshop?

While we believe attending this workshop live will offer you the most value, we understand that life happens. Each person that registers for the workshop will receive a recording of the 2 hour workshop following the live event.


Let's Get Your Sexy Back!

Still have questions? Contact us at

